If you’ve ever purchased a replica bag, you’re likely familiar with various tiers like A, B, AAA, AAAA, 1:1 Copy, and Authentic Grade. These classifications can be confusing because there is no universal standard; most divisions are defined by merchants to aid in selling their products.
To simplify this for our customers, we have categorized our replica bags into three distinct grades:
1:1 Replicas
This is our highest grade. These bags not only look identical to the authentic versions but also use leather sourced from the same factories or origins. As a result, 1:1 Replicas are our most expensive offerings. Any claim that a 1:1 Replica is merely entry-level is based on other merchants’ classification standards, which differ from ours.
This grade is upper-middle. Bags in this category have an appearance that is 100% identical to the genuine product. The primary difference from the 1:1 Replicas is that the leather and hardware are not sourced from the same foundries. However, the material quality remains comparable to genuine products.
This is our lowest grade, but still medium quality in the market. These bags are the most cost-effective, with materials and workmanship slightly lower than AAAA grades. If you are not extremely strict about quality, AAA is an excellent choice.
We do not sell products of less than medium quality, such as the so-called A or B grades.
If you have any questions, please contact us via live chat or email.